Working From Home, Doesn’t Mean Working Alone

Gloria Mitchell
Gloria Mitchell

Gloria is an essential player on our team and she’s been working from home for over a decade! She has a special interest in the gadgets and gizmos of home working life and loves to test home office chairs, standing desks, etc. so that you don’t have to. She says that happiness begins at home not in the office and we have to agree.

Nicholas Barang
Nicholas Barang

Nicholas has been working outside of the UK for over 15 years now, and for 12 of them, he’s been working as a freelance writer. He is the lead author at (a resource for digital nomads) and one of the key members of the Modern Worker team. His expertise relates to work, travel, freelance, HR, and training.

Roshalla Jawamba
Roshalla Jawamba

Roshalla recently made the transition from working from home to working from anywhere. She’s focused on how you can live and work remotely from anywhere in the United States without spending a fortune to do so. Her passion is mixing work with the natural world in all its beauty.

Our Goals

To ensure that our service remains free to use by adopting an advertising and affiliate supported model of business. To help remote workers get the most they can out of their careers and their “real” lives. To provide unbiased advice and reviews that you can rely on.

Why Us?

The team at Modern Worker has already spent decades working remotely. We all work remotely now. That means we’ve been there and bought the t-shirt when it comes to doing what you’re doing and we know what works (and what doesn’t).

Our mission

Turn Ideas into Reality

We aim to support remote and home workers with practical advice and intelligence based on real world data. We expect our offering to grow and change over time to reflect the current truth about working outside of an office.

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