Working From Home: Making the New Normal Work for You
If you love the idea of working from home, but aren’t entirely certain how you might go about it in practice, then Working From Home by Karen Mangla is an essential resource.
Karen has plenty of experience of working from home herself in her job at Salesforce and she wants to share it with you.
Why We Love Working From Home
Karen’s approach is super pragmatic, it begins with learning how to set up an office (even in the smallest of available spaces) and then looks at every aspect of remote working life.
She understands Zoom fatigue and how to cope with it, why it’s not a sin to slouch in your sweatpants and so much more.
This is, perhaps, the most comprehensive guide to making a success of things no matter where you are on the planet and what you have to get done.
If you only buy one book on remote working, this might be your best choice, whatever quandary you find yourself in – Karen probably has a solution.
You can grab a copy online here.